In September 2023, António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN, declared that there are four ways to interact with the youth: 1. ignore them; 2. pretend to listen to them; 3. engage in dialogue with them or 4. co-build the future with them. He noted that most institutions, including the UN, have followed the first two for too long. They have just begun on the third and must now follow the fourth.

United Co-Creation Lab provides methods and processes for heads of state/decision- makers and children/young people to co-create and innovate new, radical solutions to real problems. To co-create the future. Together.

United Co-Creation Lab is a non-commercial association with a non-commercial purpose.

Based on The Convention on the Rights of the Child and Human Rights, we will foster and promote the participation of children and young people (10 - 20 years old) in democratic development processes in co-creation with decision-makers.

We will

  • develop and advocate research-based methods and practices for ethical co-creation between children/young people and political leaders/ decision-makers.

  • develop and implement educational courses for, for example, teachers, facilitators, and political leaders.

  • make methods, knowledge bases, etc., accessible to the public.

Our activities are research-based and aim to be continuously documented by researchers.

We can enter partnerships with, for example, youth organizations, NGOs, research institutions, foundations, associations, municipalities, regions, and ministries with similar purposes.

By co-creating on equal terms (using processes that ensure equality despite differences in age, culture, experience etc.), politicians achieve more relevant and innovative ideas because the creativity and imagination of children and young people are significantly better than those of adults. At the same time, democratic processes are demonstrated and cooperation across nations, generations, and cultures becomes tangible.

For children and young people, co-creation means that their voices are better heard, and their perspectives are included in the development process. Their learning and motivation are significantly enhanced through a problem-based approach in an informal learning environment such as ethical co-creation. Co-creation strengthens and further develops children's skills. Co-creation with politicians adds insights into e.g. democracy and the SDGs. It also promotes creative global citizenship.

Increased co-creation leads to increased understanding across generations and cultures.

Let's co-create!

"Today’s youth is the future of tomorrow, and we hope the adult leaders of the world will listen to our voices and encourage us to not be afraid to share them. We may sometimes have a different point of view of the world than adults, but if adults and youth work together to create ideas to change the world, it will inevitably become a better place"

Lylah, 16, USA