Without our dedicated, talented and wonderfully visionary Youth Advisory Board, there would be no United Co-Creation Lab.
To the extent that the young people's education allows, they are active in both our projects and in the ongoing development of United Co-Creation Lab. In addition, they each have a great kindness to the world, so they are active ambassadors for ethical co-creation in their home regions.

Members of the United Co-Creation Lab come from all over the world, including


Burkina Faso








“Co-creation is important because it includes and inspires everyone while mixing different ways of thinking. It creates new and innovative ideas to make the change we need in the world.”

Nanna, 17, Italy/Denmark


United Co-Creation Lab is proud of our Advisory Board that provides knowledge, advice, guidance, suggestions, network and much, much more...

Ove Ullerup | Chairman Asia House, former ambassador and Lord Chamberlain | Diplomacy

Hanne Leth Andersen | Rector, Professor | Roskilde University | International research collaboration

Bjørnstjerne Christiansen | Artist | SUPERFLEX | Art, research, co-creating art / urban design with children and young people

Ida Engholm | Professor | Royal Danish Academy | Artistic processes, planetary perspectives, design didactics

Jonas Haertle | Chief, Office of Executive Director | UNITAR | UN, training, research

Bo Stjerne Thomsen | Head of Educational Impact | LEGO Education | Child development & playful learning

Nille Juul-Sørensen | Global Business Leader of Architecture | ARUP | Urban Design, architecture

Mogens Lykketoft | former President of the United Nations General Assembly (2015-2016), former Minister for Foreing Affairs, former Speaker (president) of the Danish Parliament | Democracy

Søren Klausen | founder and partner | AVDesign

"Co-creation is the first step towards a more inclusive future." 

Grâce Sawadogo, 19, Burkina Faso